Convention Directory
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NOTE: In 2022, ACBL redid the convention card. This file will not be updated to the new format unless enough people request it at
Below is a current list of documents referenced in the BidBase bidding database in support of the criteria specified for making bids. Most of these documents are based on information from a variety of sources and are primarily intended to show all the related bids for a convention.
Some pages will reference books on the subject or have links to other web pages or to a different spot on the same page which will have much more information and discussion about the bids. (When a short bit of text is in a different color and underlined, it is a link to another web page even though it does not specifically say "click here". Example: see the next line.)
Larry Cohen has a series of 26 articles on his web site in which he discusses every part of a convention card.
This document is almost entirely about bids in conventions. For "just bridge" bidding tips, see Kantar's 52 Facts of Bridge Life.
Almost all of the conventions below are arranged into the same groups as on Convention Cards ("CC"). Not all of the conventions shown on the ACBL CC are in the list, but other conventions which are not on the CC are also on this list.
A list of the documents is shown in alphabetical order at the end of this page.
The following notations appear in the list:
!! = The bid is Alertable.
a = The meaning of the bid must be Announced.
S = Standard American Yellow Card ("SAYC") bid. If a CC is marked as SAYC for General Approach,
these are the bids to be used unless otherwise noted on the CC.
B = Bridge Bulletin Standard (2017). The B is only shown when a bid's meaning deviates from SAYC.
Bids above 3N, such as slam conventions, must not be alerted during the bidding, per ACBL.
Instead, they must be explained after bidding ends and before the opening lead.
On this page and most of the pages linked here, is used to indicate either Hearts OR Spades and means Diamonds OR Clubs. So bidding of 1 -1 is the same as 1 -1 OR 1 -1 . When raises are being discussed, 1 -2 means either 1 -2 OR 1 -2 . However, if a bid shows Hearts and a minor, that's & while if a bid shows the majors, that's & , NOT .
It's worth reading Jerry Helms' article in the Jan.2021 Bulletin, page 51 about recommended conventions to be used at 4 different levels of play. If you don't save old issues, ACBL has them on their web site.
Right Side of Convention Card
General Approach
Notrump Opening Bids and Responses
S Strong 1N - (15-17 HCP, balanced). 2N - (20-21 HCP). 3N - (25-27)
a Weak NT - (NT point ranges must be announced for this and all 1N opening bids.)
S 2N Bidding - (SAYC = 20-21 HCP)
!! Gambling 3N - (Usually a solid minor suit. B=Always solid, no outside A/K.)
NT Exceptions - (Mainly hand value adjustments related to opening 1N.)
Raising to Game:
Game in NT normally takes 25-26 HCP. Add your HCP to the range
S Stayman - (2 asks opener to bid a 4-card major if any; otherwise bid 2 .)
!! Forcing Stayman - (2 is game-forcing Stayman, can't use with Jacoby Transfers.)
!! Puppet Stayman - (Asks opener for 5-card then 4-card major.)
Smolen - (A variation of Stayman showing 5-4 in the majors.)
Natural 3-Level Responses:
S!! 3 - (6+ card suit, invitational to 3N)
S!! 3 - (6+ card suit; slam interest)
B!! 3 - (5-5 majors, invitational.)
B!! 3 - (5-5 majors, game force.)
Responses in competition:
If opponent doubles, all conventional responses, such as Stayman and Transfers, are on.
!! Meckwell Escapes - (For when 1N opener has been doubled for penalty.)
!! Lebensohl - ("A complex convention - entire books have been written about it.")
Stolen Bids - (not recommended; click the link for alternatives for this & Lebensohl.)
Major Openings
Minor Openings
Other Opening Bids
Balancing - (Includes other types of balancing besides opening.)
!! Mini-Roman 2D (3-suited hand with 11-15 HCP.)
!! Roman 2D (3-suited hand with 17+ HCP.)
Bidding Calculations
Other Bidding
Strong Opening 2 Bids
Weak Opening 2 Bids
Other Conv Calls
Left Side Of Convention Card
Special Doubles
Notrump Overcalls
Simple Overcall
Jump Overcall
Defense vs Notrump ( = OR ,
= OR )
Rule of 8 - (Guide for intervening over an opening 1N.)
ASTRO - (2 = & .
2 = & another suit)
Brozel -
(Dbl = 1-suited,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2N = & )
Cappelletti - (Dbl=16+ HCP, 2 =1-suit,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2N= & )
CRASH - (CRASH's 2 bid appears to violate the ACBL's rule of showing a known suit.)
SCuM - (a replacement for CRASH. It is an acronym for Shape-Color-Majors.)
DONT - (Dbl = 1-suited,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2 = ,
2 = 6+ Spds)
Grano Astro -
(D= & other,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2 or 3 =natural,
2N = minors)
Landy - (2 = at least 4-4 majors and 13+ points.)
Meckwell -
(Dbl = 1-suit OR & ,
2 = & ,
2 = & ,
2 =1 suit,
2N= & )
Opening Preempts
Preempt - (Includes Defense Against Preempts.)
Over Opp's T/O Double
New Suit Forcing (1 level, 2 level?)
Jump Shift Forcing (Inv., Weak?)
Redouble implies no fit?
2N Over Majors, Minors (Limit+, Limit, Weak?)
Direct Cuebid
Natural Over major, minor?
Strong Takeout Over major, minor?
Michaels (Of major = 5+ of other major and a minor, Of minor = 5+ both majors. Weakish hand.
Also see Leaping Michaels in this file for Michaels over a weak 2 opening.)
Vs Opening Preempts, Double Is
Slam Conventions
Carding Agreements
Other Bridge Documents
Hand Evaluation Systems
Documents in Alphabetical Order
1-Over-1 Response - (SAYC's "Up the Line")
19-Point 2C Opening
2-Over-1 Forcing - (Includes 1NT Forcing convention.)
2C Strong
3rd Chair Openings
4th Chair Openings
4th Suit Forcing - (1 Round or to Game)
Balancing - (Includes other types of balancing besides opening.)
Bergen Raise - (Shows responder's hand strength and trump length.)
Cappelletti Over 1N
Cue Bid Game Force Raise
Cue Bid Limit Raise
Cue Bid Strength Showing
Cue Bid Transfer to 3N - (Not recommended.)
DONT over 1N
Drury - (A way for a passed hand to invite at a low level.)
Feature Asking - (Opener bids a suit with an A or K.)
Flannery 2D
Forcing Pass - (In competition, partner must decide whether to bid on, double, or pass.)
Free Bid, Negative
Gambling 3NT - (Strong minor suit preempt.)
Gazzilli - (System for showing problem hands over 1 - 1 /1N.)
Grand Slam Force
Grano Astro - (Shows your suits after RHO's 1N opening.)
Inverted Minors
Invisible Cuebid - (Cuebid 1 of 2 suits indicated by RHO's bid.)
Jacoby 2NT - (Raise)
Jump-Shift, Strong
Landy - (Shows at least 4-4 majors and 13+ points.)
Law of Total Tricks - (Tricks to bid = # of trumps for your side.)
Lead-directing doubles
Lebensohl over 1N - (Too complex for casual partnerships.)
Lebensohl Responses to Double of Weak-2
Limit Raise
Losing Trick Count - (24 minus # losers for your side.)
Meckwell over 1N
Mini-Roman 2D (3-suited hand with 11-15 HCP.)
Minimum Offshape Takeout Doubles - (TOX with any shape, 2.5 QTs, 13+ HCP.)
Namyats - (Strong 4 preempt.)
Negative Double
New Minor Forcing
Non-forcing 1N Response to Opening 1-of-a-Suit
Notrump Bidding
Ogust - (Opener's response shows hand strength and suit strength.)
Overcalling 4-card suits
Passed Hand Response
Penalty Double
Puppet Stayman - (Asks opener for 5-card then 4-card major.)
Responsive - (4 in each of the unbid suits)
RKCB 1430 - (Roman Key Card Blackwood 1430 with Void Showing)
Roman 2D (3-suited hand with 17+ HCP.)
Roman Exclusion (Blackwood)
Rosenkranz Double - (Shows A or K, 3-card support, 6-10 pts.)
Rule of 8 - (Guide to overcalling 1N.)
Rule Of 15 - (Guide to opening in 4th seat.)
Rule Of 20 - (Open when your HCP + length of 2 longest suits is 20+.)
Sandwich 1NT
Semi-Forcing 1NT
Smolen - (Right-sides the contract when responder to 1N has 5 & 4 .)
Snapdragon Double - (After 3 suits bid, double shows 5+ in the 4th, 2-3 of pard's, 6+ HCP.)
Splinter - 3=Sing , 4=Void
Splinter - 3=Weak 4=Strong
Splinter - Random Sing Void
Support Double - (3-card support.)
Takeout Double
TONTO - (Transfers Over 3 No Trump Overcalls. Ex: [3 ] - 3N - [P] - ??)
Transfer to Minors - (Weak, invitational, or strong)
Truscott - (Shows 2-suited hands)
Unusual NT
Weak NT
Weak Twos
Western Cue Bid - (Asks partner to bid NT if he has a stopper in the opponent's suit.)
XYZ - (Allows partnerships to find suit fits at a low level.)
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